We have frequently been asked why we chose the upscale senior living of The Garlands. We hope that our story may be of help to you as you consider a similar move.

First, a little background is in order. I retired from a career as a sales and marketing executive in a large corporation, and Rita is a retired operating room nurse. Time passes, and we decided to leave our large townhouse for a retirement community where we could avoid maintenance and repairs. The question became, with the option to move anywhere in the country, where should we go and to which community?

The invitations, from many active retirement communities, to have lunch and tour their facilities proved to be exactly what we needed to learn, compare and decide. Visits to nine or more retirement communities revealed many differences. Then our daughter, Jennifer, alerted us to The Garlands here in Barrington. After a few visits we followed our hearts from Philadelphia to Chicago and sealed our choice by selecting The Garlands.


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