Members gathered around the concierge desk at the reception center waiting to launch our journey to the Elgin Symphony Orchestra. We received our prepaid Orchestra tickets and invitation to have "Lunch with the Maestro." The Garlands bus arrived about 11 AM driven by one of the Member Services drivers who courteously placed a portable step at the bus door to make it easier for everyone to enter.

Seventeen of us chose seats randomly with spouses or friends. Our driver loudly welcomed seventeen and promised to return seventeen. The early departure time assured the on-time arrival for lunch and the anticipated comments by the Music Director, Robert Hanson, about the scheduled composers.

Off we went on schedule for the forty minutes drive to Elgin. Quick 'how are you' and 'hellos' attuned all for the ride. We settled into our own conversations about family, friends and the performance. Many good comments about the Elgin Symphony Orchestra and its Conductor Robert Hanson could be heard.

The bus pulled in front of the Heritage Ballroom in downtown Elgin, just across from Hemmens Theatre, where our lunch and lecture would be held. A friendly docent led us to a large bright hall with round tables each seating ten. We chose a table close to the front in order to hear the lecture better. Lunch was served promptly, and during desert Music Director and Conductor Hanson talked about the two great composers featured: Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. He related stories about their lives and contrasted their philosophies and composing techniques. His talk was well received.

Most of the Garlands member seats were in row L center, just about perfect. A few of our members had seats in front of us, but the group was together. Musicians arrived, tuned their instruments and arranged their scores for the performance. The Conductor entered quietly to much applause, bowed politely and started the concert: a Tchaikovsky Concerto and a Shostakovich Symphony. Two hours of great music made wondrous our Friday afternoon.

The waiting Member Services driver helped seventeen back to their seats, counting a second time to be sure no one was left behind. Then, we departed for Barrington. All were pleased with the trip, the lunch and lecture, and above all, the quality performance by the Elgin Symphony Orchestra. Our members continued the discourse about the talents of the composers--Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. Back to our upscale retirement community just after four, and pleased with our day--nap-time beckoned.

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