I can do it!! Yes I can. You see I'm a lefty and this letter will not be perfect because using my right paw isn't the easiest thing to do. But we haven't been in touch for quite a while; thus this attempt.

Why haven't I been more diligent? Well, it's a long story and despite my need to yap out every detail, I'll cut to the chase. I HAD SURGERY. Yup, big time, at least I thought so.

Perhaps some of you saw my bright red bandage that wound around and around my left leg. Their supply of gauze, tape and stretch stuff must have been in mucho supply because it was only the end of my left paw that needed to be protected. Why oh why couldn't they see I'm a big boy and can take care of myself.

Well, back to the surgery. I was poked, prodded, shaved, put to sleep, cut and stitched. I finally woke up in a tiny horrible cage, and I'm not used to a cement floor. Have I got your sympathy? I certainly hope so because don't we all need a dose of TLC at times?

Despite being incapacitated for two weeks, it all turned out for the best, but I drove my family nuts during my recuperation. I couldn't go out for a walk, play with my toys, and jump on the furniture... (don't tell) and have yummy treats. Besides, I had to wear an upside down lampshade at night to keep me from tearing that annoying bandage off. I looked stupid.

But I did get even with my caregivers because they had to stay close to home for fear I would get into trouble, which I've been known to do. Because the doctor's orders had to be carefully followed, I was under their watch 24/7. What a bummer!!

Try as I did, the bandage just didn't come off. But the stitches did; two weeks later. According to the vet, my paw will be back to normal in no time. Until then, more sympathy please.


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