What a shock...enough to make me roll over and play "dead dog." And as I laid still and thought about all the lessons I've been taught, how to handle jealousy wasn't in my play book. I didn't know Bonnie had a cat!

Now I've known Bonnie Smith for years; almost as long as I've lived here. She has been over to see me lots of times. We even bonded with shared tickles. Then there was the time that green pepper jelly was spilled on my head. Boy, did she get a kick out of that. And now I find out that she's living with Cato. Who in their right mind willingly takes a back seat to a feline? I've been told that not sharing affection is naughty, especially when I jump and bark when my friends pet another dog, share their home with a cat or even pet another four-footed being in front of my eyes.

And then, of all things, in one of the previous Gazettes, Cato wrote to me and kindly invited me to play with him and others in The Garlands animal kingdom. And would you believe, in the Robbie Lounge! Good luck, you silly cat. I'm not even allowed to put a foot off the floor of my scooter. But then rules are rules and maybe he has more clout than I have. Golly, guess I should eat humble Alpo and accept his kind invitation.

I just remembered. In my last letter I mentioned my Barrington family's search for one of me. Well, they went to the animal shelter and brought home a feisty black lab. His name is Remington, Remy for short. Talk about competition. Every time we get together seems like he's grown leaps and bounds. Guess his kind of play doesn't fit my style. Just last week, after a wild chase. I stopped to take a breather and he jumped right over the top of me. If I ever have a party, he won't be invited. But Cato certainly will make the cut.

Speaking of parties, did you know that Jill arranged a gig for all dogs living here? It was held in the park. Although not many showed up, (where were you guys?) the five of us had a blast. Plus, we didn't have to worry about soiling the Robie rug in our excitement. Doggie treats and a toy of our choosing were provided. And I got Max Keller to go nose-to-nose without a whimper. But best of all, I met Jill's wards, two tiny chihuahuas, Frito and Pringle. Their coats were a toasty brown, and I was especially smitten by, of course, the wildest, Frito. What fun we could have if we lived together at The Garlands.

As of now, they are staying with Jill, who volunteers at the Almost Home Foundation. During the last three months, five different foster dogs have enjoyed her hospitality and eventually were adopted. What lucky pups. When yapping around, I also discovered Traci, our Nurse Practitioner at Prairieview, just adopted Willow, an Australian Shepherd from another adoption agency. Aren't we lucky to have such good friends who take care of those of us who are less fortunate than we are!

Love, P.D.
