You just won't believe it, because I don't. After sniffing out the entire neighborhood, just maybe I have found a new companion. I can even "humm..." in the rain when told to go outside. Why? Well, I'll put my paw to a pen and tell you all about my good luck!

After my last letter, I received an unbelievable fantastic response. The writer, a poodle named Antoinette, "just call me Toni," enclosed her picture. She looks yummy enough to chew on, and I dream about slobbering her with more kisses than one can count. Actually, her beauty defies description, and I'll even venture to guess that her groomer comes from France!

Not only did she offer T.L.C. for my painful paw, but she is eager for a play date with just the two of us. She even told me that her old boyfriend is past history. How lucky can a guy get?

Her letter has a special hiding place right under my bed, close to my thumping heart. Do you suppose that they have a pacemaker for dogs? Forget e-mail, Twitter, even Facebook. A letter means so much more for you can keep it forever. And this piece of paper will never be chewed up!

There is one problem, however, that I want to share with you. When and if we meet nose-to-nose, will she accept my funny face? To be honest, I lack those pedigree papers that say that your parents came from special families. Mine, however, so I've been told, were so much in love that it didn't matter, even though my Dad was a Shih Tzu and Mom, a Bichon. I guess you might say their blood lines were "black and white" while Toni is as blue as blue can be.

No doubt, Toni's caregiver, C. Peterson, who owns a greeting card company, sent her to a fancy boarding school, while I had only two hours with the "Dog Man" in Arizona, and he didn't teach me anything (so I've been told). In other words, we come from two different worlds. Do you suppose that matters?

And now I am planning our first meeting on the bridge overlooking our garden pond. Let's hope the bleeping bull frog and honking geese won't scare her away. Wish me luck!

Now, please forgive my abrupt departure for breakfast is ready. And guess what I've barked for: a new tasty passion...French toast. Bow wow!

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