It's important to be well fed and nourished in all stages of life, but older adults need to be even more tentative and diligent in making sure they eat enough and of the right types of food.

Here are my suggestions for healthy eating to support your workouts.

1. Always eat breakfast.
Your body has not eaten since the night before and is now in a fasting state. As soon as you get up out of bed your blood sugar begins to drop until you eat something. It is important to eat within an hour of waking up. Symptoms of low blood sugar can include feeling dizzy, spacey, or nauseas. Include protein and complex carbohydrates or whole grains in your breakfast. Protein ideas include eggs, protein powder, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt and leftover meat or fish. Complex carbohydrates include oatmeal, whole grain toast or muffin, and whole grain cereal like Cheerios. Juice does not count as a carbohydrate here.

2. Eat three meals a day spaced 4-6 hours apart.
Have a snack if you get hungry. Include some protein, a whole grain or sweet potato and vegetable at each meal. Examples include fish, rice and veggie, or steak, potato and veggie.

3. Refuel after your workouts.
Enjoy a complex carbohydrate and protein snack after your workouts to keep blood sugar steady. Examples include a rice cake and peanut butter, hardboiled egg and granola bar, or fruit and nuts.

4. Slowly increase the amount of vegetable you are eating at lunch and dinner until you are consuming two cups at each meal. Experiment with raw veggies often!

5. Eat a small snack such as a hardboiled egg at night if you are hungry or have trouble falling asleep.

6. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day.
You may think you are drinking enough water, but actually measure it out one day and see if you really are! For example, if you are a 150 pound person you will need 75 ounces of water each day. That's a little over two liters of water or a little over nine cups. You'll also need to drink more water if you exercise!

Follow these tips, and find yourself fueling better and feeling healthier, happier, and more energized!

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